Why Working Abroad Will Be the Best Career Decision You'll Make. Article by Loren Penney-Thomas on Linkedin
Part of my
work involves reading and following interesting information on the topic of
expatriation. This information comes from a multitude of sources, including
fellow influencers.
Today, I
would like to share with you an article from Loren Penney-Thomas which was
published on Linkedin. The title of her article is: Why Working Abroad
Will Be the Best Career Decision You'll Make.
I found
points in this article very relevant as an overseas experience can be enriching
for personal and professional development. While abroad, we are out of
our comfort zone. This leads to an increase in creativity skills including
adaptability and problem-solving. These are important skills in the job
If you wish
to learn more about my work in recruitement, please consult my linkedin profile.
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